Top 20 NuGet javascript Packages

This package add a function that convert application/json data in application/x-www-form-urlencoded
JSTest.NET is a lightweight managed wrapper around the Windows Script Host (CScript.exe) available on any Windows machine. JSTest.NET enables JavaScript unit tests to be run directly in the test framework of your choice (MSTest, NUnit, xUnit, etc) without the need for a web browser. JSTest.NET is fo...
JsTrace allows you to heavily instrument your JavaScript code without flooding the console with messages. It has "Trace Levels" (off, error, warn, info, debug, log), which allow you to fine-tune what amount of trace information comes out of each area or module of your code. It additionally supports ...
Google closure based javascript compiler that integrates tightly into Visual Studio
coffee-script compiler implementation in .NET. With HttpHandler for *.coffee files. Keeps track of compiled and included *.js/*.coffee files and only recompiles when files change.
Modernizr adds classes to the <html> element which allow you to target specific browser functionality in your stylesheet. You don't actually need to write any Javascript to use it. Modernizr is a small and simple JavaScript library that helps you take advantage of emerging web technologies (...
Signals.js is a light weight (1k minified) pure JavaScript implementation of the Observer pattern also known as PubSub. Using Signals.js in your JavaScript gives you the ability to break down our applications into smaller, more loosely coupled modules, which can improve general manageability.
This package is MVC Scaffolding for generating Razor Views automatically enhanced with jQuery UI and Wijmo. You will need Wijmo Complete installed and referenced in order to use this scaffolding. Wijmo Complete is a commercial kit of jQuery UI widgets for building Web applications.
jMoney.js is a light weight pure JavaScript spec(test) framework. jMoney is great for prototyping JavaScript and very easy to use. All specs(tests) results render in the console so there is no need to set anything up, just add a reference to the file and start testing.
Installs the Angular.js seed project (RC1) into an MVC project
Knockback.js provides Knockout.js magic for Backbone.js Models and Collections.
Adds Knockout SPA library for MVC projects using Web API controllers. Includes change tracking, auto-submit and client-side buffering
story.js enables web developers to use client-side storages in a simple and consistent way. It includes abstraction layer on top of Web Storage API, IndexedDB API, Cookies API and In-Memory storage.
Knockback-Inspector.js provides an inspector tree view library for Backbone.Models and Backbone.Collections using Knockback.js.
AzureCdn.Me.Nant contains a custom build of YUI Compressor that adds a new parameter to the cssCompressor task allowing you to append a query string onto image refs in your css files, thus invalidating them on the Azure CDN cache
Javascript .NET integrates Google's V8 Javascript engine and exposes it to the CLI environment. Javascript .NET compiles (at runtime) and executes scripts directly from .NET code. It allows CLI objects to be exposed and manipulated directly from the executed Javascript.
This package contains the required metadata to use jQuery UI with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler. It is a slightly modified version of the jQuery import library from the Script# project by Nikhil Kothari (
This package provides additional rules specifically implemented for Script# code and scripting scenarios.
This package contains scripts like mscorlib.js which provides the runtime script implementations of a type system and core APIs available to scripts generated using Script# for deployment within web applications (such as mvc projects).
This package contains the ScriptSharp.Testing assembly which allows you to launch browsers and load pages using the QUnit testing framework while integrating with Visual Studio unit testing features in the IDE. In particular, Script# generates unit test classes and methods within a Script Libr...