Top 20 NuGet ioc Packages

Rezolver is a fast IOC framework that lets you work the way you want to. It's easy to use and very extensible.
Provides an integration that enables LightInject to be used as the IoC container in the Nancy web framework.
Extensions to the base Container4AspNet framework to enable configuration of Castle Windsor.
Asp.Net MVC specific configuration of Container4AspNet using Castle Windsor.
Asp.Net WebApi specific configuration of Container4AspNet using Castle Windsor.
Smart IoC library for your WebApp
IoC in the dark: Made Easy!
Do you need a service locator with automated dependency injection support? No need for heavyweight IoC Containers with so many options and functionalities? This libary provides exactly this!!!
Extensions for ModuleInject that provides dynamic proxies.
Depedency Resolver and extension methods to integrate Unity to a WebApi project
Integrate Castle windsor to owin.
Unity is a lightweight extensible dependency injection container. This package is a Unity bootstrapper for ASP.NET MVC. VB.NET
Integrates CommonProvider to Castle Windsor Ioc for resolving dependencies.
DI support for Asp.Net Mvc ControllerFactory
Provides simple configuration to allow substituting Castle.Windsor components during tests.
CoIoC is an IoC container.
Interface for the wrapper of inversion of control - Add-in X