Top 20 NuGet ioc Packages

An easy to use integration for SimpleInjector with Asp.Net Core
a develop framework named assistant jane!
a develop framework named assistant jane!
a develop framework named assistant jane!
a develop framework named assistant jane!
a develop framework named assistant jane!
a develop framework named assistant jane!
SimpleInjector IoC provider for Incoding Software
Add to AspNetCore projects only, adds ability to insert RegistrationAttribute types to IServiceCollection.
Autofac container integration for Xer.Cqrs
A library with repository interfaces for using NoSQL
Implementes simple logging using Unity.Interception and LibLog to support all popular logging libraries
With EF.DbContextFactory you can resolve easily your DbContext dependencies in a safe way injecting a factory instead of an instance itself, enabling you to work in multi-thread contexts with Entity Framework or just work safest with DbContext following the Microsoft recommendations about the DbCont...
Dependency injection library for .NET applications.
Scheduler Quartz.NET for .NET Standard 2.0 - Autofac job factory and module
Extensions for .NET Core Dependency Injection. ServiceCollection extensions: AddImplementations.