Top 20 NuGet email Packages

Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-SES'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
C# client library and examples for using ElasticEmail API to send mail, manage contacts and other functions.
Provides integration to SendGrid - Transactional Email from Mailchimp
IsBizMail tells you whether a given email address is free (,, etc) or not
Email Client for
Registers OntraportApi in an ASP.NET Core Web project to add API-managed marketing automation
A simple service to send emails. This is a wrapper for the deprecated/obsolete System.Net.Mail.SmptClient. This package is meant to help support legacy systems/environments. For new development please use MailKit or other third party packages.
Usado para consumir a API de Email por .Net Classico
Send and validate SMS and email messages via SMS2GO REST API. Product info: Quick Start: REST API:, Nuget page:
Render razor template to string.
An abstraction to send notifications
The Email_dotNET Class Library is a high level wrapper around the SmtpClient. The library is currently compiled at .Net 4.0 so it should work with any application running .Net 4.0 and above. Allows sending, receiving and processing email messages in .NET applications. Includes SSL and TLS support...
Helper library that makes it easier to work with common Viviscape projects and other software solutions.
Simple interface for posting emails via MailJet templates
Fluent API to send emails in a .NET Core application using your own SMTP settings
Temporary email library for .NET (wrapper) based on API
SparkPost API
A simple (unbloated software guarantee!) yet powerfull library allowing the user to login via social networks such as Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft Live, Office 365, Azure AD, LinkedIn and Twitter.
The Mail Templating and Sending Module (part of Dragon Web Framework) for .NET that supports Handlebar Templates (HTML & plain-text), Internationalization, Summary E-Mails (Batching, i.e. do not send more than 1 email per X hours) and Asynchronous Sending.
NullDesk Mailer Extensions for SMTP Email messaging using MailKit