Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Enhancements and utility classes for primitive types and some commonly used types in the mscorlib and System.Core libraries. Extension methods are available for string, DateTime, enum, StringBuilder, SecureString, RegEx, event handlers, random, array, Enumberable, IList, collections, stream and vari...
Token authentication libary includes generating JWT authentication token and optionally refreshing the token each request. Fully configurable with Token Builder
Lightweight .NET Core client wrapper for the Spotify Web API
Allows consumers to easily convert HTML strings to PDF using the `IHtmlToPdfConverter` interface.
Allows consumers to easily convert strings to Markdown using the `IMarkdownConverter` interface. This package is the abstractions of a simple markdown converter: IMarkdownConverter. See ForEvolve.Markdown for implementations.
Dotnet core compression utility
Lightning quick .NET Core Digital Experience Platform - Enterprise functionalities, quick, simple and hassle-free.
Quickly develop custom SMTP, POP, and IMAP e-mail applications for .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Core 2.0. Includes support for non-ASCII character sets (Kanji, Korean, Chinese, Arabic, Etc.), newer authentication mechanisms such as GSSAPI, NTLM, XOAUTH2. Includes S/MIME, SSL/TLS 1.0+ encryption, X509 ...
some tools for fast developing back-end.
A suite of development tools for creating SSH and SFTP applications for .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Core 2.0. Features include: PEM Public key authentication, Proxy support, Zlib, File Transfer Resume, Shell, SSH Tunneling, and much more. PowerTCP SSH and SFTP for .NET is a licensed product. If no d...
Plugin Manager The plugin manager is an ASP.Net Core plugin manager which can be used to extend any Core website. Fully supports Middleware extensions, Dependency Injection, API plugins, sub website projects and custom interface extensions.
Plugin Manager generic interfaces and abstract classes for sharing between plugins
some tools for fast developing back-end.
Plugin Manager Plugin which generates a robots.txt file, based on DenySpider attributes on classes or methods within controllers. If UserSessionMiddleware.Plugin is also installed, will check to see if a bot is trying to access a page it has been denied, and return a 403 forbidden result.
Plugin Manager Highly optimised memory cache plugin
A suite of network communication classes for creating client and server applications for .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Core 2.0. Includes high-performance Server, Tcp, Udp, Dns, and Ping classes, with support for IPv6 and SSL/TLS 1.0+ encryption. PowerTCP Sockets for .NET is a licensed product. If no ...
.NET Core command-line (CLI) tool to generate Entity Framework Core source files.
Plugin Manager restrict access to specific routes by ip address
Plugin Manager highly optimised geo ip plugin
Enriches Serilog events with information from logger properties that was enriched earlier.