Top 20 NuGet core Packages

GoodToCode shared aspect-oriented (AOP) library for cross-cutting utility concerns.
ASP.NET Core extension for Stashbox to support multitenant applications.
Hydra is a app generation tool with resulting source code. Generated front-end support for Ionic/Angular. Restful microservice layer support for .NET Core. Back-end support for SQL Server. Other supported technologies coming soon as Hydra is highly extensible. Also includes support for mobile capabi...
FaceONNX core library for tensor processing and drawing recognition results.
Core models for Endpointer.Authentication.
Alibaba Cloud SDK for .NET
Elsa is a set of workflow libraries and tools that enable lean and mean workflowing capabilities in any .NET Core application. This package provides a dashboard application using Blazor.
Elsa is a set of workflow libraries and tools that enable lean and mean workflowing capabilities in any .NET Core application. This package provides gRPC client implementations for use within the Blazor WebAssembly imlementation of the Elsa Dashboard.
A powerful Unit of Work implementation for NHibernate which fixes proxy issues and simplifies child nodes loading.
A rate limit library for ASP.NET Core.
A package to support subscriptions for GraphQL ASP.NET. Provides the required functionality to setup a websocket connection and perform graphql subscriptions over web sockets.
Provides lexing and parsing APIs for SQL statements.
Baracuda OpenAPI Azure Functions NET Core 3.1 Generate the json file openAPI 3.0 and the front end view to interact with the API’s calls based on the setting defined in the json file openAPI 3.0. newest: Connection with Barracuda Identity Provider Package
Basic and advanced Network functionality, such as Protocols for communication and request server.
WPF extension to display network activity
Extensions for adding Managed Extensibility Frawework (MEF) support to ASP.NET Core hosted applications.
Extensions simplifying access to configuration and host details in ASP.NET Core applications.