Top 20 NuGet core Packages

VisioForge .Net products core redist for Windows x64.
Extension package for XLocalizer.TranslationServices to provide translations using Translate.
Extension package for XLocalizer.TranslationServices to provide translations using MyMemory Translate.
Extension package for XLocalizer.TranslationServices to provide translations using IBM.Watson.LanguageTranslator.v3.
Extension package for XLocalizer.TranslationServices to provide translations using Google Translate.
自用SqlSugar扩展,Fork From SqlSugar
Entity Framework Core is a lightweight and extensible version of the popular Entity Framework data access technology. Commonly Used Types: Arch.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContext Arch.EntityFrameworkCore.DbSet
IT Hit User File System Engine provides a high-level API for creating a virtual file system for Wndows in .NET with synchronization support, on-demand loading, offline files, and Windows Explorer integration. 100% safe, managed code. No unsafe memory management operations. No blue screens. IT Hit Us...
Pre-release of the Library. Documentation to come.
DirectComposition bindings.
RPN.Net is a .NET library for Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). A easy way to include external logic into your projects.
Avalonia.Flexbox is a flexbox implementation for Avalonia.
An SDK that uses lucene.NET API with NCache Professional to scale out full-text searching.
Contiene las interfaces y modelos necesarios para las diferentes restricciones en el SDK
SQLite provider for Riz.XFramework.
Oracle provider for Riz.XFramework.
An update to Component factory's krypton toolkit to support .NET Framework 4.6.2 - 4.8, .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5/6. This is the workspace module. This package supports all .NET Framework versions starting .NET Framework 4.6.2 - 4.8, .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5/6. Also, all libraries are incl...
A update to Component factory's krypton toolkit to support .NET Core and the latest .NET 4.x framework. This is the workspace module. This package supports all .NET Framework versions starting .NET 3.5 and .NET Core 3.1. Also, all libraries are included targeting each specifi...
An update to Component factory's krypton toolkit to support .NET Framework 4.6.2 - 4.8, .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5/6. This is the docking module. This package supports all .NET Framework versions starting .NET Framework 4.6.2 - 4.8, .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5/6. Also, all libraries are includ...
A update to Component factory's krypton toolkit to support .NET Core and the latest .NET 4.x framework. This is the docking module. This package supports all .NET Framework versions starting .NET 3.5 and .NET Core 3.1. Also, all libraries are included targeting each specific ...