Top 20 NuGet azure Packages

Windows Azure Service Bus wrapper modeled after the NServiceBus pattern of IHandleMessage<T>. (Core)
This client library enables client applications to connect to Windows Azure Mobile Services. Mobile Services allows you to develop an app with a scalable and secure backend hosted in Windows Azure. You can incorporate structured storage, user authentication and push notifications in minutes. For mor...
This package works with Service Bus 1.1 for Windows Server. it adds Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll along with related configuration files to your project. Please note that this package requires .Net Framework 4 Full Profile.
Linq2Azure is a “cloud management” API that gives .NET developers a familiar programming model for querying and managing their Windows Azure environment. Linq2Azure is statically typed and includes Code Contracts, meaning .NET developers can reliably automate the management of their cloud environmen...
ASP.Net identity utilities for Azure
Castle Windsor extensions for Nimbus.
WACEL provides implementation of high-level data structures that can be shared among your services and application. You can use WACEL data structures just as if you were using local data structures such as arrays, tables, circular buffers and OLAP cubes, and these data structures are backed by Windo...
Command/Query seperation library for WindowsAzure ServiceBus. This is NOT an officical Microsoft package. Allows you to use messaging within your application to make it easier to scale and create a loosely coupled architecture
This is the .NET Client Library for Microsoft Azure Active Directory Graph API. Learn more about Azure AD Graph API @ NOTE: Azure AD Graph API functionality is also available through Microsof...
This set of packages open up a rich surface area of Microsoft Azure services, giving you the power to automate, deploy, and test cloud infrastructure with ease. These services support: - Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines - Hosted Services - Infrastructure Services - Scheduler - Storage Accounts - Sub...
Lucene implementation that intercepts the data flowing to the underlying storage
Image API & processing for Azure Web Apps
An Orleans grain state provider which persists state in JSON format in Azure Blob Storage
The Crawler-Lib Service Base is a foundation for the development of Windows Services, Cloud Services and Linux Daemons.
The Crawler-Lib Service Testing configures a testing environment for the development of Windows Services, Cloud Services and Linux Daemons.
Package Description
NLog targets to Azure Table Storage
Provides an NHibernate driver that uses the Microsoft Transient Fault Handling library to allow for reliable SQL Azure connections. Unlike NHibernate.SqlAzure, this library doesn't come with TransientFaultHandling IL-merged - instead it's a NuGet dependency.
SuperMassive is a small condensed framework of reusable .NET components and utility classes. It's your supermassive .NET swiss army knife.
Sriracha Deployment Tasks for Azure