Top 20 NuGet azure Packages

Microsoft Azure API for .NET by CloudRail provided an easy solution to store and retrieve. Get a free license key at: Features: - Create, delete and list buckets - Upload files - Download files - List files in a bucket and delete files - Get file metadata (last modified,...
Unified Bucket CloudStorage API for .NET by CloudRail provided an easy solution to store and retrieve. This interface includes Amazon Web Services S3, Backblaze, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure Storage, Rackspace. Get a free license key at: Features: - Cr...
Implementations of missing dotnet core Azure Service Bus NamespaceManager functionality around Topics/Subscriptions, Relays, Hybrid Connections and EventHubs.
Azure function timer with dependency injection
Classes for dealing with Azure Key Vault
The Official C# library for Pepipost Web API v5
This task can be used to Publish test results and upload test attachments on Azure DevOps The following results formats are supported with this package- 1) JUnit - publish tests from Junit projects 2) NUnit- publish tests from Nunit projects 3) VSTest- publish tests from Visual Studio projects 4...
Package Description
Manage and push to Azure Notification Hub push subscriptions using the PushServer framework for ASP.NET Core 2. This plugin extends the PushServer to store information of Azure Notification Hub subscriptions, and send push notifications to them.
Netherum.Signer.AzureKeyVault provides the External Signing capability for Ethereum transactions and Messages using Azure Key Vault
The libraries to host BaGet on Azure.
This repository provides some tools which make it easier to work with Azure Data Factory (ADF). It mainly contains two features: - Debug Custom .Net Activities locally (within VS and without deployment to the ADF Service!) - Export existing ADF Visual Studio projects a Azure Resource Manager (ARM) t...
Improves the Azure Functions HTTP Trigger experience by extending the infrastructure around it, allowing to define request parameters in the function signature and implementing boilerplate like exception filters and adds different authentication schemes.
Integrate with Azure DevOps Server 2022 and Azure DevOps Services from desktop-based, ASP.NET, and other Windows applications. Provides access to the Audit Service via public REST APIs.
MassTransit AzureServiceBusCore configuration extensions using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.IHostedService and Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
This package contains extensions to Azure Active Directory Library for .NET (ADAL.NET)
This package provides Configuration for creating AspNetCore Service Fabric microservices.
AspNetCore EventGrid middleware and more.
AspNetCore EventGrid Debug Viewer.