Top 20 NuGet authentication Packages

Certificate Manager is a package which makes it easy to create certificates (chained and self signed) which can be used to in client server authentication and IoT Devices like Azure IoT Hub
Yoti .NET SDK Sandbox
Simple web UI to create role and role access for DynamicAuthorization
JSON store for DynamicAuthorization
Azure Monitor (Application Insights) integrations for ActiveLogin.Authentication.BankId.AspNetCore.
Device detection for ActiveLogin.Authentication.BankId.AspNetCore using UA Parser.
Adds authentication features to applications hosted on a GenHTTP webserver.
Enables easy integration with the authentication service using Umbraco 7
The token generator for ConvertAPI Rest API.
Providing Support of Auth, Chain, Rotating Proxies For Selenium Chrome Driver Support Only HTTP/S Proxies (Chrome Not Supporting Socks4&5 For Now)
Enables easy integration with the authentication service using Owin middleware
ASP.NET Core Authentication provider for ESIA
HMAC authentication handler / scheme and utilities for .net core.
QAToolKit.Auth library.
This package contains the library for authentication and authorization against The package gives easy configurable options to integrate ZITADEL authentication with any web application or web API. Additionally, it functions as a ...
Quartz.NET integration package for OpenIddict.
Quickly consume an API using Endpointer.Accounts.API endpoints.
Infrastructure components for use in Mvc/Web-Api Shuttle.Access implementations that retrieve the session information from the rest api.
JWTs is a simple library for generating and validating JWT tokens and Refresh Tokens. Refresh Tokens are dependent on a database / memory cache and an interface for a simple DAL for storing refresh tokens is included. JWTs can be generated with custom claims, and a DAL is only required when issuing ...