Top 20 NuGet authentication Packages

OWIN middleware for doing claims transformation in OWIN/Katana applications.
This package is retiring and will not be supported after 2019-12-11. Please use the "Okta.Sdk" package instead. For more information, see ---------- This package allows you to build on Okta's identity platfor...
A core package for Medidata HMAC protocol implementation. This package contains the core functionality which used by the MAuth authentication protocol-specific components. This package also can be used standalone if you want to sign HTTP/HTTPS requests with Medidata MAuth keys using the .NET HttpCli...
The Telesign C# SDK lets you easily integrate with our REST API.
Thinktecture IdentityServer Core Libraries for Re-Hosting (for IdentityServer v2)
Claims-based user account and identity management framework
WS-Trust helpers and bindings for WCF
Token authentication libary includes generating JWT authentication token and optionally refreshing the token each request. Fully configurable with Token Builder
Relational entities for the OpenIddict Entity Framework 6.x stores.
This component will be registered JWT Authenticate in ASP.NET CORE project.
ASP.NET Core authentication module that enables an application to support GrandID's (Svensk E-identitet) authentication workflow.
Leverages Refit to create strongly-typed REST service proxies that include authorization and message correlation.
An implementation of ASP.NET Core data protection that allows Service Fabric to act as the store for you data protection keys. You can use this library to easily protect data when you need to persist the trusted information for later retrieval, but don't trust the persistence mechanism.
An implementation of HMAC for ASP.NET Core
适用于 ASP.NET Core 的 OAuth2 认证中间件,使 Web 应用程序支持用 DingTalk 扫码登录或应用内登录。
Authress SDK
Enables easy integration with the authentication service using Umbraco 8
Allows to use controllers to handle incoming requests.
Infrastructure components for use in Mvc/Web-Api Shuttle.Access implementations.
An abstraction mechanism for simple identity and access control.