Top 20 NuGet async Packages

SaferPay JSON API implementation in C#
MessagePack serializer for CachingFramework.Redis, a distributed caching based on StackExchange.Redis and Redis. Includes support for all redis data types, tagging mechanism, cache invalidation, PubSub, GeoSpatial indexes, HyperLogLog and is cluster-compatible.
Library containing asynchronous (de)serialization methods for Newtonsoft.JSON JTokens. The deserialization functionality is available through UtilPack.JSON.JTokenStreamReader class. The serialization functionality is available through extension method to UtilPack.PotentiallyAsyncWriterLogic<IE...
Unidirectional Framework for XAML Platforms built on top of Gjallarhorn
The Connection-Based Asynchronous Messaging (CBAM) SQL.PostgreSQL.Implementation assembly provides implementation and API in order to create connection pools which can create connections to PostgreSQL database backend. A good starting point is PgSQLConnectionPool class.
A NetClient implementation supporting JSON-RPC APIs.
An asynchronous library for Quandl for .NET Standard
Quidjibo delivers flexible async background jobs for .NET applications
Provides skeleton implementation and ready solution for typical connection factory class operating on (network) stream..
Enhanced Recombee SDK API client with Async methods, the possibility of supplying your own HttpClient instance. and bug fixes.
Adaptible & decoupled message broker
the abstraction implementation for MongoDB.
C# services and models classes to Ecwid API v1 and v3
Class library for managing Tasks.
Porting from MySqlConnector, add support diagnostic events.