Top 20 NuGet async Packages

Simple library to deal with mvvm pattern with async tool object. .NET 4.0 features for .NET 2.0 DevLib is a highly reusable collection of components and core functionalities addressing common crosscutting concerns. It provides a comprehensive set of features that save development time, minimize costs, reduce the use of precious test...
Unitysync.Async is a library of extension methods that lets you preform async continuations on Task/Task<T> Types. Allowing you to non-blockingly call async methods on the Unity3D main thread and continue on the Unity3D main thread when the Task/Task<T> is completed.
Extensions for method chaining Task<IEnumerable<T>>. Directly map to synchronous System.Linq methods.
Task-like asynchronous operations (promises) for Unity3d.
Helpers for asynchronous programming
This NuGet package contains a zip file with the source code for the Enterprise Library Integration Pack for Windows Azure. The Microsoft Enterprise Library is a set of reusable application blocks that help developers meet common enterprise software development challenges. The Microsoft Enterprise Li...
ASP.Net MVC library for Ajax, Hijax, and reverse-Ajax (Comet)
Corlib-Reactive is a class-library containing many useful types missing from the .NET Framework, such as the EventLoopSchedulerSlim, extension methods expanding on Rx's ToTask for APM integration, as well as WaitHandle conversions to IObsevable<Unit>!
A developer friendly service bus for .NET
ASP.Net MVC library for Ajax, Hijax, and reverse-Ajax (Comet)
Revolutionize your MVVM. Compose and connect properties, reuse property patterns, and make your presentation logic code concise, predictable, and less error-prone. Make your async VMs portable.
A simple portable async REST client
Utility library to simplify writing asynchronous code which supports .NET 3.5 and newer.
General purpose HttpClient wrapper
Utility library to simplify writing asynchronous code which supports .NET 3.5 and newer.
C# services for API