Top 20 NuGet application Packages

ApplicationJobs Tcp listening on local port feature - Add Listen extension method on ConsoleApplication starting job host q: [email protected]
Allows to filter ApplicationInsights telemetry to exclude fast operations. Useful for development environments to fit into a free plan.
WatiN Extension é uma extensão para o WatiN (Web Application Testing In .Net) using System; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using MPSC.PlenoSoft.WatiN.Extension.Util; using WatiN.Core; namespace MPSC.PlenoSoft.WatiN.Extension.Testes.Unidade { [TestClass] public class Testa...
This package has been deprecated, please use idrsolutions-csharp-client which can be used for the same purpose. Convert PDF to HTML5 or SVG with C#, using the BuildVu C# Client to interact with IDRsolutions' BuildVu Microservice Example. The BuildVu Microservice Example is an open source project th...
A library to store application configuration into a SQLite database
Juhta.Net.Startup provides methods for graceful startup and shutdown for any application with any number of libraries through the Juhta.Net.LibraryManagement interfaces. This library is a part of Juhta.NET.
Package Description
.NET Class library for generic implementation of an orchestrating scheduler for applications. Based on the idea that scheduling objects is a matter of returning objects on the specified date(s) and specified times(s). Orchestration is the coordination of these scheduled items over time, or, based ...
ISettingsService Wrapper for ApplicationSettingsBase
Package Description
Make send Web Push Messages to your site or PWA applications easier.
Application layer implementation
The Dennkind Framework library provides animated frame and navigation controls for WPF applications.