Top 20 NuGet application Packages

SaaS Multi tenant Framework for SaaS Development and SaaS Migration. SaaS Application Development Platform addressing SaaS Challenges and SaaS Non-Functional Requirements
SaaS Multi tenant Framework for SaaS Development and SaaS Migration. SaaS Application Development Platform addressing SaaS Challenges and SaaS Non-Functional Requirements
SaaS Multi tenant Framework for SaaS Development and SaaS Migration. SaaS Application Development Platform addressing SaaS Challenges and SaaS Non-Functional Requirements
Get an idea of what is happening with your server, see what Application Insights telemetry was sent and what was sampled and diagnose other Application Insights configuration issues.
.NET CentralConfig client
A .NET Rule Engine and Valication application framework to build amazing code. Create testable, extensible, and highly maintainable business logic. , entity/poco validation, and business object validation. For more information and sample applications, please visit
SaaS Multi tenant Framework for SaaS Development and SaaS Migration. SaaS Application Development Platform addressing SaaS Challenges and SaaS Non-Functional Requirements
.Net Framework for Rapid Application Development
Package Description
Efuelite Solutions CookieHandler package helps developers to set, get and clear cookie in web applications. It also auto encrpyt the cookie and decrypt the cookie to ensure security.
Deploys application to target server using MSDeploy
Package Description
Ggg NugetApp First Version.
Hypertext Application Language (hypertext-application-language) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Library used to distribute usual tools to all the application universal, WPF, IOS, android ...
A user interface controls library for WPF
Show Video => Windows form uygulamaları için özelleştirilmiş datagridview bileşenidir. Datagird bileşenine IQueryable<T> türünde gönderdiğiniz tablo ve sorgularınız için listeleme yapar. Listeleme sonucunda gelen kayıtlar için ; Kolon göster/gizle, Kolona göre Like fil...
CodeBrix is a comprehensive rapid-application development (RAD) platform for quickly creating apps for iOS, Android and Windows (UWP); and is based on Xamarin.Forms and Prism.