Top 20 NuGet Packages

An AspNet core middleware to create a reverse proxy server
A collection of .net core tag helpers
A SAX-compliant parser that, instead of parsing well-formed or valid XML, parses HTML as it is found in the wild.
Extensibility library for Tail.
Taitans.AopSdk extension.
Standard-compliant ECMAScript 2016 parser (also popularly known as JavaScript or ES6).
The Amazon SES Provider for TakNotify library
The Mailgun Provider for TakNotify library
The SMTP Provider for TakNotify library
The utility library for TakNotify tests
Tako.Modbus.Client support 1.Tcp 2.RTU
序列化、反序列化物件 to bytes to file to stream
Talagozis.AspNetCore.ImageSharp library
My package description.
MathCore Library - Linear Algebra
MathCore Library - Numerical Analysis
MathCore Library - SpecialFunctions
MathCore Library - Statistics
Lightweight MVVM framework (WPF Extensions)