Top 20 NuGet Packages

Extension destination for TacitusLogger that sends logs to database using Entity Framework ORM. Attention: TacitusLogger.Destinations.EntityFramework is currently in Alpha phase. This means you should not use it in any production code.
Extension destination for TacitusLogger that sends logs to System.Diagnostics.Trace listeners. Attention: TacitusLogger.Destinations.Trace is currently in Alpha phase. This means you should not use it in any production code.
Extension for Ninject dependency injection container that helps to configure and add TacitusLogger as a singleton. Attention: TacitusLogger.DI.Ninject is currently in Alpha phase. This means you should not use it in any production code.
Package for automatically dependency injection
Concurrency testing and load testing extension to MS Test. Substitute [TestMethod] for [ConcurrencyTest(4)] for 4 parallel execution threads. Use [LoadTest] to ramp up and run consecutive parallel threads for a given time period, and use [ParallelSequentialDurationComparisonTest] to automaticly run ...
Tag Helper Component for Google Analytics
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
.Net Redis Cache with support for tagging
An adapter for the TagCache.Redis library's Protobuf serializer and Autoprotobuf.
A collection of ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers.
Http Rest helper
Write events to text console
Write events to text files
Mongo as a queue