Top 20 NuGet Packages

集成Quartz 和 Topshelf,适用快速迭代开发
Package Description
Quartz Admin allows you to fire up a UI web interface to manage your Quartz scheduler. It's plug and play all you have to do is pass it on your scheduler instance and it will pull all your jobs from it. - View all the jobs together with the schedule - Execute jobs on demand - List triggers
.Net Core Paging For IEnumerable Objects
It transforms words into cubes. Yep, that's it.
The resource lifetime management module of the Qubus C# core libraries.
Generiert aus verschiedensten Eingabemedien ein Thumbnail
Entity Framework implementation for Queries with Waffle.
Query helpers and extensions for NHibernate.
Wrap exceptions thrown when enumerating instances of IQueryable.
Just another .NET SQL query builder
Simple querystring filtering
Exposes a generic extension method to IQueryable<T> and IDbAsyncQueryProvider<T> that allows interception of expression trees with expression visitors.
Package Description
Package Description
A simple implementation of the Specification Pattern using NHibernate QueryOver. Licensed under LGPL.
The QueryPlanGenerator.EntityFramework will generate sql server execution plans for entity framework call. By default the plans will get saved to the file system.
Provides an asynchronous operations over the original Vibrant.QuerySearch library.
Fody add-in allowing to validate DB queries during build instead of runtime.