Top 20 NuGet Packages

Proactive filters AspNetCore package
Proactive logger NetStandard package.
Proactive data access messaging NetStandard package
Proactive principal package.
Provides the tools to scaffold SPFx components without using nodejs. This gives the freedom to inject any kind of script in an SPFx without a framework (or packing a framework of your choice)
A small Command Line Interpreter
A C# library to monitor the opening and closing of specific Windows processes
Extensions for AutoMapper for dynamic building of objects in dotnet core
Extensions for Linq for Entity Framework Core
Push stream (IObservable) and async/await (Task) abstraction for processes. Observe processes like event streams.
ProceXSS is a Asp.NET Http module for preventing xss attacks.
ProcSharp is an implementation of the Processing framework in C#.
It creates database on SQL Server. It has Create, Exists, CreateSilent method.
Library allows to perform post operation under specific address
Aloja las imagenes en la ruta indicada, y valida que sea formato correcto
Business layer for catalog api