Top 20 NuGet Packages

A webpage to check the structure and contents of your indexeddb database. The only thing you need to do is adding a div with the id "indexedDBViewer", provide the name of the database in the data-dbName attribute on the div. For this it uses the linq2indexeddb framework.
Allows the customization of where indexes start in C#. Not only can you force Roslyn to interpret items[1] as items[0], but also items[-42] and items[1_000_000] if you want! The sky (and common sense) are the only limits!
A REST client to connect to the IndexTank service, which is a cloud based search engine. Use this library to easily send documents, including all kinds of meta data, to IndexTank and perform searches on the indexes.
IndexTankDotNet package fixed to work with newer versions of RestSharp
IndexTank is a free, cloud-based, real-time indexing SaaS (software as a service) that lets you quickly and easily add custom, full-featured search functionality to any web site or application. IndexTankDotNet provides convenient programmatic access to the entire IndexTank API from any .NET applica...
Package contains client for Print Server Management System.
Indigina Transport Management System cliient
Make working with Xamarin.Forms just a little bit easier.
A predictable state container for .NET applications.
A TTL signal setting and display control for WPF.
Cubic chunked map library
Markdown for DotNet
Class for infinity iterations on strings, either by indexing ou enumeration.
Influxdb asynchronous, fast and bulk insert components.Using HTTP or UDP protocol.
Adds a buffer on top of InfluxDB 2.0 client. Pushing to metrics server happens when buffer is full or flush interval is reached.
Package Description
The Infoplus API exposes the full breadth and depth of the Infoplus platform to all clients.
Package Description