Top 20 NuGet Packages

Xades Library for .Net
imady.Domain.Weixin include the models needed when using imady.WxService.
imady.WxService is a SDK to allow you communicating with WeChat API.
Displays image, caption with a target link using pages
Custom control for your Xamarin.Forms project to turn your images into elegant image carousel. Ensure you call ImageCarouselRenderer.Init() on each platform! Built against:
Simple control to display images in popup dialogs
Displays image and video slides using pages
ImageBundle enables you to bundle images together as single resource for improved performance.
Extend contract extension.
Create simple charts as image files.
An ImageTransformProvider for ImageDis based on ImageProcessor. ImageDis is a simple image resizing server for ASP.NET.
A StorageProvider for ImageDis based on local storage. ImageDis is a simple image resizing server for ASP.NET.
A StorageProvider for ImageDis based on AWS S3. ImageDis is a simple image resizing server for ASP.NET.
A simple set of utility methods for scaling, cropping or stretching an image to make it fit certain dimensions.
Library for decoding obscure graphics formats, such as Targa (.TGA), Sun raster (.RAS, .SUN), ZSoft (.PCX), Netpbm (.PPM, .PGM, .PBM, .PNM), .SGI, and DICOM. 用于解码特殊的图形格式的库,例如Targa(.TGA),Sun栅格(.RAS,.SUN),ZSoft(.PCX),Netpbm(.PPM,.PGM,.PBM,.PNM)、. SGI和 DICOM。
ImageGenerator creates PNG images from XAML templates. Use it to put text onto buttons or any other purpose where you need to generate images based on runtime data.
Image generator for Xamarin Forms apps
A jQuery plugin for creating a responsive image grid that will switch images using different animations and timings. This can work nicely as a background or decorative element of a website since we can randomize the appearance of new images and their transitions.
A library for hashing images and comparing those hashes for similarity.