Top 20 NuGet Packages

GenericRepository is a data access library using repository pattern.
GenericRepository is a data access library using repository pattern.
Generic Repository Entity Framework DbContext implementation.
GenericRepository is a data access library using repository pattern.
Added capability to utilise Unit Of Work Pattern. Repositories can be created under a single working context and commit can be made as a unit, giving the option to rollback.
It is simple and easy to use library, using this along with Entity Framework you would be able to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update & Delete) operations without writing much code.
Generic Search for IQueryable in ASP.NET MVC Core
Generic Search for IQueryable in ASP.NET MVC Core
Oracle database module for GenericSqlProvider.
A generic library for reading and writing STL files with integration of own data structures.
Biblioteca responsável por centralizar classes e métodos genéricos e padrões para acesso a banco de dados.
SIPS Traffic Generation with baked in faker components.
A generic Entity Framework repository with a fluent interface to provide a flexible query API. All the benefits of being able to build queries through method chaining without having to return IQueryable from the repository.
Package Description
Core library containing interfaces for plugins
Libaray designed for seperating designers from develoers when it comes to repx files. Using this library, developers can run actions that can be applied to XtraReports objects, such as labels or picture boxes. The actions are run recursively. One important function this library does is to automa...
Generate any text / .cs files using C# Razor, with full Intellisense support. Includes .NET API and Console app for Build Event support.
Genome data base abstraction
Genome web-service tools
Package Description