Top 20 NuGet Packages

DataReference domain.
DataReference for EF
Data Model for GDS Smoker App, based on MongoDB
Gear for caching stuff.
Geb Utils Library
Contains libraries to read and write GEDCOM X files and provides core serialization functionality for all web API communications.
Contains the models for GEDCOM X data.
Contains REST specific GEDCOM X model extensions.
This is the C# Lite version to contact the Family Search GEDCOM X APIs. It will help with authentication and media types through HttpClient.
Provides a core setup of Entity Framework along with the ability to add Behaviors supporting Auto Populating GUIDs, Dates, etc. Supports Soft Delete Functionality
General Utility Package used by a majority of GeekCafe packages
Library to help implement the Domain Driven Design.
EntityFramework Core helper library to deal with a Domain layer.
In Memory Provider for Geek Learning Email Abstractions.
SendGrid Provider for Geek Learning Email Abstractions.
SMTP Provider for Geek Learning Email Abstractions.
Logging abstractions to support multiple storage providers.
Package Description