Top 20 NuGet Packages

Converters for basic F# types using Newtonsoft.Json
A tool that simply generates a nice doc file for a project's .fsi files
FsMocks, a mocking library for F#
Bpo Framework Support .Net 4.6.1
This package includes the entire F# PowerPack plus a simple sample of how to use it. The F# PowerPack is a collection of libraries and tools for use with the F# programming languages provided by the F# team at Microsoft.
This package includes FSPowerPack.Core.Community as well as the Linq libraries. The F# PowerPack is a collection of libraries and tools for use with the F# programming languages provided by the F# team at Microsoft.
This package includes FSPowerPack.Core.Community as well as the Metadata libraries. The F# PowerPack is a collection of libraries and tools for use with the F# programming languages provided by the F# team at Microsoft.
Encodes and decodes data in the Quoted-Printable format.
Help using RavenDB from F# (and Newtonsoft.Json)
FSRepository provides a quick way of creating a repository in an F# project that uses EntityFramework code first for data access.
Functional ADO.NET for F#
Functional ADO.NET for F#
Basic statistics with some probability library. Includes common distributions (Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson, Student's and Normal), random number generators from some of the distributions, summary statistics for a sample, Z-Test, Student's T-Test, special functions (Error, Gamma, Beta and Regularize...
FsStats.OOD is an incomplete object-oriented interface for FsStats
Reactive store for command/event processing
FSTemplate implementation for ASP.NET MVC
Supported classes, extensions and helpers