Top 20 NuGet Packages

A database of free and disposable email domains and a handy javascript module for querying it.
A port of CookComputing.XmlRpcV2 for .net core
A simple module for free previews of your web app (or 'no login' demo modes) in ASP.Net MVC using Action Filters. For more information, see the GitHub repo (Project Site).
C# wrapper around native FreeRDP libraries
Mysql, postgresql, sqlserver, Oracle and SQLite connection object extension methods.
FreeSql 扩展包实现,使用 FluentApi 方式配置实体模型,使用习惯接近 EFCore,方便过渡.
An implementation of Patternfly 4 in Blazor. Compatible with original Blazor and Blazor Webassembly.
FreeSwitchSharp is a NuGet-based ESL library for .Net using freeswitch's code with a couple of addition/helpers.
FreeSwitchSharp's Linux32 Bits natible library bundle.
FreeSwitchSharp's Win32 Bits natible library bundle.
FreeSwitchSharp's Win64 Bits natible library bundle.
A simple calendar control for xamarin forms apps.
Freshdesk REST API .NET wrapper
Wrapper for Freshdesk API v2
Provides simple handling of transient errors that can occur with any network communication. Retries, intervals, mapping and detection can all be fully customized. Built-in handlers are provided for WCF, WebClient, HttpRequest. Supports .NET 4 and later, Silverlight 4 and 5, Windows Store Apps, and ...