Top 20 NuGet Packages

CQELight.Buses.InMemory provides two buses, one for command and one for events, use to dispatch events and commands in the same in-memory process.
CQELight.Autofac is the implementation of CQELight IoC manager abstraction, by using Autofac as IoC container. It also gives some ease to helps you register types in the container, via the IAutoRegisterType interface.
Implementation of CQELight abstractions for IoC with the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection package.
A bunch of tools to use CQELight for MVVM apps
Implementation of CQELight MVVM abstractions based on Xamarin Forms
Some test tools for specific MVVM needs
Common Autofac code.
A library of extension methods to facilitate the CQL workflow when using FluentMigrator for database migrations.
Straight forward and highly configurable validation for WPF applications.
A Micro-ORM for Apache Cassandra.
Provides interfaces for CQRS objects like commands, queries and events.
A BDD infrastructure package for testing commands and events for CQRS Lite.
An Entity Framework implementation of IEventStore for CQRS Lite.
Contains the implementations of the IQueryExecutor and the ICommandExecutor interfaces.
CQRS.Light Core Implementation
An Azure DocumentDB Repository Implemenation
A MongoDB Repository Implemenation
A MongoDB Repository Implemenation