Top 20 NuGet Packages

CosmosDbFramework enables .NET developers to work with a CosmosDb database using .NET objects.
Scaffolding to support sub-collections in Azure Cosmos DB. Sub-collections can enable cost reductions, particularly for small deployments with small Azure Cosmos DB provisioned throughput.
This client library enables configuration builder for .Net Framework in .config file with json sources: network shared file and json content from URL (both web API and cloud storage, e.g. Azure Blob)
C# Swiss Army Knife - WPF Library
Your favourite short, stocky, slow-witted and bald friend for ASP.NET MVC. More clearly: it contains helpful extensions to the ASP.NET MVC framework. Things like extra action results, route constraints and HtmlHelpers.
Provides integration-layer for CostEffectiveCode general-purpose framework and 7-th version of EntityFramework
NLog-based CostEffectiveCode's ILogger implementation
Introduces an abstraction layer of asynchronious non-blocking processes for CostEffectiveCode general-purpose framework
A simple library that allows you to specify a list of Emails from an exteranl service provider that are authorized to access protected pages.
Coub Search API C#/.Net Core wrapper
Framework for creating Couchbase views from attributes on model classes.
Couchbase N1QL 帮助类
This package contains the 'CouchBaseLite' plugin for MvvmCross.
This package contains the 'CouchBaseLite' plugin for MvvmCross.
Mono compatible Couchbase client library for .NET based languages.
Simple couchdb wrapper to put entities without any blocking and control. You may just throw entities into CouchConveyor then it will be stored in your database as documents.
This is simple Redis reactive utilities that interacts with CouchConveyor.
AspNet Core extension services backed by CouchDB