Top 20 NuGet Packages

The Content Security Policy middleware for ASP.NET Core adds the Content-Security-Policy HTTP response header to reduce the risks of XSS attacks on modern browsers.
.Net SKD for ContentTools Rest API.
NegEx library compiled by using iKVM v8.1.5717
Task-like structs which capture no synchronization context on the await operations in C#
Automatically setting up an EF6 DbContext interface using an in-memory implementation of IDbSet and Moq
An implementation of ContextRunner utilizing a custom logger that writes out a context as plain text inside of a log file
ASP Net Core middleware utilizing ContextRunner to wrap HTTP requests into a context, granting the ability to aggregate to a single log entry all logs associated with the resulting operations.
Package Description
This is the core library necessary for all continuous.* packages. Also contains factory for creating shells from rest of the continuous nuget packages
This library is providing easy way to manage local users and local user groups: add/remove new user/userGroup, assing user to group, etc.
This library is providing easy way to manage windows services: install/uninstall, start/stop, change user, etc.
Extensions to the System namespace
HttpClient implementation with IStreamCache in a HttpCachedClient.
Abstract configuration and a Data Services
There is a new generations of packages available:
Modelo de la base de datos ADD Catalogos del ADD
Modelo de la base de datos DB Directory del ADD