Top 20 NuGet Packages

A configuration source for ConfygureOut that loads configuration values from AppSettings section of web.config or app.config
A configuration source for ConfygureOut that loads configuration values from environment variables
A configuration source for ConfygureOut that loads configuration values from json files
A Sitecore utility designed to create configurable and personalizable queries for either the Lucene or Solr search engine using Sitecore's ContentSearch API
Framework for compositing multiple application configurations together. Including environment variables, App.Config files and dev machine secrets.
Connect QQ SDK Extensions for the UWP, handling sdk callback result.
Package Description
This package contains common are shared code in between Connect.Oauth and Connect.Protobuf libraries and both of them are dependent on this
A .Net library for playing Connect 4 games. The board size is user-specifiable.
Quting sql identifiers (tables, columns, etc.) based on the underlying sql technology
Microsoft Translation Api Connector for Translation Manager for Umbraco
A .NET HttpClient wrapper for interacting with the ConnectWise Manage REST API.
Conreality Software Development Kit (SDK) for .NET
Package Description