Top 20 NuGet Packages

Comet MVU .net framework
Cometary extension that allows a class to implement members declared in another class.
Cometary extension that provides utilities used to debug extensions, self-editing assemblies, and more.
Cometary extension that allows the dependant assembly to define and use macros and compile-time-bound dynamic objects.
Cometary extension that allows the dependant assembly to edit itself during compilation.
CometD Universal is a Windows 10 library for the Bayeux protocol.
A CometD Communication client for .net core
Client library for Comindware Tracker WEB API
Pipeline Pattern is helpful in dividing the problem into smaller reusable code components. This is a simple yet powerful structural pattern to organize a complex logic into smaller reusable components, which can be added/removed/modified independently.
Command Line Execution Helper Classes
Fody add-in for command invoking and implementation.
Custom Label which has command property
The Clux library is intended to help C# developers provide a rich, detailed command-line user-experience with minimal effort
With Argument Reader command line arguments can be passed into a .net core application. The standard project assist 4 types of arguments: Boolean Strings (*) Integers (#) Doubles (##) Own argument types can be build with own classes. They need to inherit from the ArgumentMarshalerLib. Libr...
Parameter binding + Dependency Injection for .NET Core console apps.
Autofac adapter for CommandLineInjector
Lamar adapter for CommandLineInjector
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection DI adapter for CommandLineInjector
StructureMap adapter for CommandLineInjector
This is an addition to CommandLineParser to handle Commands plugins