Top 20 NuGet Packages

Componentes para o funcionamento do make-update *.Kjs
Componente de NFE contendo referências abaixo.: -WebEasy.UtilBase.dll -WebEasy.WebEasyNota.dll -WebEasy.WebEasyNota.Entity.dll -WebEasy.WebEasyNota.Impressao.dll -WebEasy.WebEasyNota.Util.dll -WebEasy.WebEasyNota.XmlSerializers.dll
Componente de NFE contendo referências abaixo.: -WebEasy.UtilBase.dll -WebEasy.WebEasyNota.Entity.dll -WebEasy.WebEasyNota.Util.dll
A collection of analyzers for ASP.NET Core
Provides a set of MVC helper and extension methods (that depend on the T4MVC templating engine) for the popular Bootstrap, Gumby and jQuery UI CSS frameworks. Includes other MVC helpers which can be used in core MVC development as well.
A yet another web camera control. This time without additional dependencies.
Webezi.Abp.Extensions is an extension to use abp.
Webezi.Abp.MailKit.Mandrill is a extension to use Webezi.MailKit.Mandrill in Abp.
Webezi.Abp.MailKit.SendGrid is a extension to use Webezi.MailKit.SendGrid in Abp.
Webezi.MailKit.Mandrill is used Mandrillto implements mailkit abstractions.
Webezi.MailKit.SendGrid is used SendGrid to implements mailkit abstractions.
WebFormContrib is used to make WebForms more like MVC type syntax
WebFormContrib is used to make WebForms more like MVC type syntax
WebForms.MVVM é um conjunto de ferramentas que permite tratar os componentes do WebForms de aplicações legadas como **ValueObjects**.
WebForms.MVVM é um conjunto de ferramentas que permite tratar os componentes do WebForms de aplicações legadas como **ValueObjects**.
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for webgl-ext. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b14601af3fb2ad72d5048e94188a569a1838fb9c].【BQyE0HDhaPiXJ6tC/L2GRw==】
Store your webhooks and events in your database persisted by NHibernate.
Library provides WCF Rest behaviors extension - EnableCorsBehavior - CustomAuthenticationBehavior - TypedUriTemplateBehavior See more details here: