Top 20 NuGet Packages

Implementation of SqlRepoEx ORM for Lambda Turn to MySQL statement
Provides an Autofac module to simplify the registration of components in IoC For MySQL
Providers access to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA via EntityFramwork and LINQ.
Test samples with NUnit
It is an extenion for mapping data to your model that returned from efcore stored procedure executed.
Cross-platform .NET 4.0 / .NET Standard 1.6 component which receives SQL Server table changes into your .net code. Take a look how it works:
Parses SQL files to create a meta-object hierarchy with which you can generate C# code such as stored procedure wrappers or Entity Framework entities. Includes templates. Go to for more info!
Http (HAL) provider for SQL Stream Store
author sunkaixuan Apache Licence 2.0
author sunkaixuan Apache Licence 2.0
Four in one (SqlServer MySql Sqlite Oracle) .NET 4.0+ High-performance, lightweight
Herramientas y Utilidades Sql Server
Fácil acesso a bases de dados Sql Server.
Minimalistic API allows developer to most easily perform operations with database. By default, library automatically manages DbConnection, DbTransaction, DbCommand and DbDataReader objects. Developer only writes queries.
Minimalistic API allows developer to most easily perform operations with database. By default, library automatically manages DbConnection, DbTransaction, DbCommand and DbDataReader objects. Developer only writes queries.
Minimalistic API allows developer to most easily perform operations with database. By default, library automatically manages DbConnection, DbTransaction, DbCommand and DbDataReader objects. Developer only writes queries.