Top 20 NuGet Packages

Redistributable components for package 'sqlite'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Symbols for package 'sqlite'. This package should not likely be installed. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Sqlite.FullText is a full-text indexing helper class based on in sqlite
sqlite-net is an open source, minimal library to allow .NET and Mono applications to store data in SQLite databases. It is written in C# 3.0 and is meant to be simply compiled in with your projects. It was first designed to work with MonoTouch on the iPhone, but should work in any other CLI environm...
SQLite-Net Extensions is a very simple ORM that provides cascade operations, one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many, inverse and text-blobbed relationships on top of the sqlite-net library.
SQLite-Net Extensions is a very simple ORM that provides cascade operations, one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many, inverse and text-blobbed relationships on top of the sqlite-net library.
This package contains a platform-specific native code build of SQLite for use with SQLitePCL.raw. To use this, you need SQLitePCLRaw.core as well as SQLitePCLRaw.provider.e_sqlite3.net45 or similar. Convenience packages are named SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_*.
SQLite Portable for .NET4.5, Windows 8+ and Windows Phone 8+.
SQLitex64 library
a relational object mapper build for .Net Standard 2.0
Database change management tool for .NET
Log everything to SQLite, not to a simple text file.
The Connection-Based Asynchronous Messaging (CBAM) SQL.MSbuild assembly contains abstract SQL-oriented MSBuild task, and task which reads file and executes SQL statements contained within.
Simple StoredProcedure Binder in a type safe way.
A C# library which helps create customized and extensible LINQ-like sql queries more easily.
Provides extensions for testing usage of SqlRepo components using NSubstitute
Implementation of SqlRepoEx ORM for Lambda Turn to Ms SQL statement。