Top 20 NuGet Packages

TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for query-string. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 43f460ab2d1de304886e6eeba6cbb3d213e8949b].
Simple query string builder
common messages used by Quest.CoreLib
Quest core library
A small library for converting query strings to linq Expression trees.
Simple message queue manager that works with RabbitMQ
A simple C# scripting engine without dependencies (beyond .NET 3.5). Usage: var executor = new ScriptExecutor(... any ScriptLogger ...); executor.Execute(... source code ...);
A tasty little treat that turns your objects into query strings. (a.k.a. Objects baked into a URLs)
Native QuickLogger dynamic library.
Quickflow activity repository. Integrated with CustomEntityFoundation.
QuickFont is a text rendering library for OpenTK. For more information please have a look at the GitHub repository
QuickFont is a text rendering library for OpenTK. For more information please have a look at the GitHub repository
Crockford Base32 encoding for 64-bit identifiers. In comparison to other, similar libraries, quickford focuses on speed and efficiency. Have fun saving electricity!
fork from just adding support .NET Core 3.0 .NET Standard 2.0
Provides an interface and class for interacting with callbacks stored by a push trigger API App. Designed to be used in conjuction with the QuickLearn.LogicApps.PushTrigger package.
The Quicklight web framework allows for the creation of a loosely coupled composite web application. It provides dependancy injection, event management, region management and a framework for building MVVM applications using the razor engine to generate views
QuickLogger Dependency Injection Extensions and Standard Logging adapters for ASPNetCore.
QuickLogger Wrapper for .NET and DotNetCore
QuickLogger is a cross-platform-native, Testable and Injectable multi-provider logging library for .NET ,NetCore, Object Paascal C, PHP, Python, Golang and more!