Top 20 NuGet Packages

Gets the execution folder of the given assembly
Reveals whether or not the given assembly is a debug build
Gets the version of the assembly containing the given type
Provides easy methods for obtaining attributes, and improves performance by keeping retrieved attributes in a dictionary cache
A TextWriter that outputs to the debug console
A simple utility class which simplifies creating a class that implements IDisposable
An implmentation of DynamicObject
An IStoreModelConvention which removes the underscore from default foreign key names
Gets the member attribute associated with the given enum value
An implementation of ExpressionVisitor that builds up a path string that represents member access in an Expression
Rebinds parameters in an expression using a given map
A simple feature-switch class which looks up features in app settings
Utility class for persisting objects to file paths
An attribute used to define an abbreviation for a table name, to be used when deriving column names
A class convention which sets cache to read-write
A class convention which sets dynamic insert
A class convention which sets dynamic update
A class convention which sets not lazyload
A class convention which sets schema to dbo
A string extension for creating an escaped column name