NuGet Packages By Dependencies

Security Module (Win) / eXpandFramework. To debug in VS enable Source Server support under Tools/Options/Debugging.
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Standard.Extensions [3 dependencies]

Extension methods and utility classes that supplements the original functionality of commonly used .NET objects.
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NServiceBus.StructureMap [3 dependencies]

Adapter for the Structuremap IoC Container
Main library for implementing asynchronous messaging
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Config.Net.Json [3 dependencies]

JSON integration for Config.Net
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Zaaby.DDD.Abstractions [3 dependencies]

Abstractions for Zaaby.DDD
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Syncfusion.Pdf.NETStandard [3 dependencies]

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MyDotey.SCF.Simple [3 dependencies]

SCF, short for Simple Configuration Facade, an abstraction between code and outer configuration
Provides AutoMapper support for a Rocket Surgery Application
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Leren [3 dependencies]

Lightweight and simple Excel-based reporting engine allows you to generate reports in Excel (only 2007+ format) using specially developed syntax and data providers. The reporting engine comes very helpful when you need to generate excel-based report with built-in formulas or VBA code even.
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ArgParser.Core [3 dependencies]

Core components and interfaces for the ArgParser project
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Ulid [3 dependencies]

Fast .NET Standard(C#) Implementation of ULID.
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AElf.OS [3 dependencies]

Main module for the OS layer.
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SFERA.MiniOffice.Objects [3 dependencies]

Just DTOs used into SFERA.MiniOffice.Helper
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Senparc.Scf.Mvc.UI [3 dependencies]

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TheMonitaur.Lib [3 dependencies]

This is the public library for, a free and simple single-source web application for monitoring all your application layers using Tcp, Websocket, and/or WebAPI / Http.
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HEF.Expressions.Sql [3 dependencies]

HEF Expressions Resolve To Sql
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Mars.Common.IO [3 dependencies]

This package provides file parser and memory-mapped data structures. For more details how to use MARS, please use the handbook:
Package Description