NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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RepositoryT [3 dependencies]

Generic Repository Pattern and UnitOfWork implementation with base classes.
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Galactic.Sql [3 dependencies]

A base class library for querying and manipulating SQL databases.
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Newtonsoft.Json.FSharp [3 dependencies]

Different serializers for Newtonsoft.Json, making it easier to work with JSON data with Newtonsoft.Json from F#.
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cubisima.utils [3 dependencies]

Distributed cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache using Redis.
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Bell.Common.Dapper [3 dependencies]

Common code components for Dapper
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CurryOn.FSharp.Control [3 dependencies]

Extends the FSharp.Control namespace to add Operations, a Railway-Oriented Programming framework compatible with Async Worfklows and the Task Parallel Library (TPL), including a Computation Expression Builder and library functions.
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WebApiClient.AOT [3 dependencies]

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SF.Sys.Caching [3 dependencies]

Package Description
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OrchardCore Email [3 dependencies]

Orchard Core Framework is an application framework for building modular, multi-tenant applications on ASP.NET Core. Provides email settings configuration and a default email service based on SMTP.
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BridgeRpc.Core [3 dependencies]

JSON RPC framework based on WebSocket for Core
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RabbitFoot Contracts [3 dependencies]

RabbitFoot Contracts
Contains shared backend functionality (like exceptions and middlewares for authentication and logging).
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BeeX.DataStorage [3 dependencies]

Package Description
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VxFormGenerator.Core [3 dependencies]

A dynamic form generator based on POCO and ExpandoObjects. Easily create and validate your forms based on a model and validation attributes. Works with built-in Blazor Input components. Works with all InputBase inherited components out of the box.
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EuNet.Rpc [3 dependencies]

Package Description