NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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ScaffR.JavaScript [3 dependencies]

Description required.
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Kentor.AuthServices [3 dependencies]

SAML2 Protocol library for ASP.NET. Don't reference this directly, use one of the API modules: Sustainsys.Saml2.HttpModule/Mvc/Owin/AspNetCore2.
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revenj.common [3 dependencies]

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DSInternals Common [3 dependencies]

This package is shared between all other DSInternals packages. Its main features are Azure AD Graph API and ADSI clients for for retrieval of cryptographic material. It contains implementations of common hash functions used by Windows, including NT hash, LM hash and OrgId hash. It also contains meth...
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Cheers.Diagnostic [3 dependencies]

Cheers Diagnostic contracts
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ArchPM.Core [3 dependencies]

ArchPM Core Operations
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Es.TypeExtensions [3 dependencies]

EsWork Libraries
This package provides a C# wrapper around the SanteDB Health Data Services Interface (HDSI) REST Interface which is used for synchronization with a SanteDB Server.
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ANSH.DDD.Domain.Interface [3 dependencies]

解决方案基于NET Standard 2.0开发,主要是将一些项目开发中常用的方法进行整合。
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Spells.Guards [3 dependencies]

Package Description
Capgemini DataMigration Engine - Export/Import of CRM Data allowing management and release in the same way as code. The engine supports JSON and CSV file formats.
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EventualF.EventStore [3 dependencies]

Package Description
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Titek_Haf.Core [3 dependencies]

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Stamina.World.DataModel [3 dependencies]

Package Description
Package Description
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StockSharp.Logging [3 dependencies]

Logging components. More info on web site
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FluentCommander [3 dependencies]

Fluent API for executing asynchronous database commands
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XYS.Lab [3 dependencies]

Package Description
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JohaRepository [3 dependencies]

Package Description