NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Framework.Core.Packager [3 dependencies]

A long description of the package. This shows up in the right pane of the Add Package Dialog as well as in the Package Manager Console when listing packages using the Get-Package command.
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.Net Utils [3 dependencies]

Useful Utilities and Extensions for daily .Net programming
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Ruya.Diagnostics [3 dependencies]

.Net Framework System.Diagnostics wrapper
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Concentus [3 dependencies]

This package is a pure portable C# implementation of the Opus audio compression codec (see for more details). This package contains the Opus encoder, decoder, multistream codecs, repacketizer, as well as a port of the libspeexdsp resampler. It does NOT contain code to parse ....
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DrHouse - Health Checker [3 dependencies]

Provides ready to use code to perform common health checks.
zxm.AspNetCore.Authentication.Hmac.Signature is an extensions to generate signature for zxm.AspNetCore.Authentication.Hmac.
LibP2P connection interface
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Carbon.Cloud.Logging [3 dependencies]

Cloud logging services.
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Pattern.Logging [3 dependencies]

Package Description
The interfaces library for the Loki WebSocket Signaling Server
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AngleSharp.XPath [3 dependencies]

XPath support for AngleSharp
Bellatrix is a cross-platform, easily customizable and extendable .NET test automation framework that increases tests’ reliability.
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OptionType [3 dependencies]

Implementation of option type holding a value or representing a none.
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WhampsChallenge.Shared [3 dependencies]

The core of the WhampsChallenge-Engine
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SO.DapperRepo [3 dependencies]

Package Description
Microsoft.Azure.AppConfiguration.AspNetCore allows developers to use Microsoft Azure App Configuration service as a configuration source in their applications. This package adds additional features for ASP.NET Core applications to the existing package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.AzureAppConfi...
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Arcanum.DataContracts [3 dependencies]

Arcanum.DataContracts provides annotations and tools to implement serialization of custom types.
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CSharpKit.Windows [3 dependencies]

CSharpKit, basic algorithms, components and definitions..
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Smart.Core.Database.Domain [3 dependencies]

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Open.Journaling.Common [3 dependencies]

Often times while working on systems it is extremely helpful, if not essential, to have a complete record of interactions. Whether those interactions are categorized as commands, events, or both is anything from a matter of preference to a deeply held dogma. This is a mechanism for doing that.