NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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CdnHelpers.Razor [2 dependencies]

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SaltFx.Domain [2 dependencies]

NOTE: SaltFx has been replaced by LeadPipe.Net! SaltFx is an open source N-Layered Domain Driven Design framework for .NET development. This is the SaltFx domain package and provides essential domain tier objects such as Entities, Value Objects, Repositories, and other well-known DDD concepts. You ...
Seedwork for the Infrastructure Crosscutting Application Block
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FinalstreamCommons.Core [2 dependencies]

Application Development Support Core Library.
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IotSample.Types [2 dependencies]

IotSample.Types Class Library
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MilNet.Web.Mvc.DatePicker [2 dependencies]

Common tools to create date pickers for ASP.NET MVC applications
This package contains pages for web UI sections navigation.
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MetaPrograms [2 dependencies]

Parse, transform, and generate code in an extensible set of languages. This package is an infrastructure layer for language-specific packages. Language packages available in this version: MetaPrograms.CSharp, MetaPrograms.JavaScript.
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Zu.ChromeDevToolsClient [2 dependencies]

Chrome DevTools Client for AsyncChromeDriver
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GammaLibrary [2 dependencies]

Just my coding library.
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SIL.Lexicon [2 dependencies]

SIL.Lexicon contains various lexicon utility classes that can be used across applications. Currently, this assembly contains classes for persisting lexicon settings that can be shared by different lexicon applications.
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Rasters.Data [2 dependencies]

This package contains dto classes exposed on the REST services as well as some general purpose extensions on various types.
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CoThings.Micro.Service [2 dependencies]

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Entitas.Blueprints.Unity [2 dependencies]

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WebsocketsSimple.Server [2 dependencies]

The server module for a simple websocket server and client implementation with authentication.
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SmsSharp.Abstraction [2 dependencies]

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Xye.Bsf.BackgroundWorkers [2 dependencies]

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MCB.Packages.Patterns [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Package Description
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DCMS.Module.Quartz.Domain [2 dependencies]

DCMS Module Quartz(任务调度) - Domain