NuGet Packages By Dependencies

Invalid image

Imazen.WebP [2 dependencies]

.NET wrapper for libwebp
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Ninject.MVC4 [2 dependencies]

Extension for Ninject providing integration with ASP.NET MVC4
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Bardock.Utils.Web [2 dependencies]

ASP.NET utilities
Authentication business logic for Touch SDK.
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FluffIt [2 dependencies]

A set of extension methods to help in your every day tasks.
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C1.Android.Input [2 dependencies]

Controls for specialized input.
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KdSoft.Common.VeryPortable [2 dependencies]

KdSoft.Common.VeryPortable Class Library
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Freya.Types.Uri.Template [2 dependencies]

Types and parsers for working with the URI Template specification in RFC 6570
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Flache [2 dependencies]

Fluent API for configuring Cache
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for AndroidX library 'androidx.palette:palette'.
Code base for Xibao product
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Hd.WebChat.Domain [2 dependencies]

Package Description
An abp application module that provides payment service.
Package Description
Package Description
Invalid image

Uponey.Core.Domain [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Plinth.Hangfire [2 dependencies]

Plinth Hangfire framework
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WpfMvvm.ViewModel [2 dependencies]

Типы для применения в ViewModel в WPF Решении