NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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MVC Easy CMS [2 dependencies]

Easy to use, lightweight CMS for ASP.NET MVC 3, MVC 4 and MVC 5 with Razor view engine and C# based on html markup. Can be installed as on new created MVC 3, MVC 4 and MVC 5 project as on already existing. Managing zones are marked using html5 "data-" attributes.
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VSSDK.IDE.10Only [2 dependencies]

This is a metadata-only package used as a dependency for reference packages and extensions that target *only* Visual Studio 2010. If you find this package installed in an extension that is supposed to target any other version of Visual Studio, use NuGet to uninstall the package and it will re...
PointlessArhitecture Common
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Dynamic Controls [2 dependencies]

Dynamic Controls for MVC
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RestLess.Core [2 dependencies]

The core of RestLess, the automatic type-safe REST API client library for .Net Standard
Proactive sql logger NetStandard package.
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ANSH.AspNetCore [2 dependencies]

解决方案基于NET Standard 2.0开发,主要是将一些项目开发中常用的方法进行整合。
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Otc.PubSub.Abstractions [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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BinaryIO [2 dependencies]

endian support stream.
Package Description
Package Description
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USG.Authorization.Common [2 dependencies]

Common functionality for USG.Authorization.AspNet and USG.Authorization.AspNetCore.
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MyYamlSettingsParser [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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IM.Wms.ServerInput [2 dependencies]

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Contracts.Domain.Base [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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JEON.RunTime [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Enumeration class extending Enum functionality to allow auto converts to string, integer and provides additional functionality such as looping.
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CRZ.ThirdPartySchemas [2 dependencies]

Package Description