NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Requester [2 dependencies]

Requester is designed to help you interact with JSON based web APIs. Nothing else. There is also Requester.Validation that you can use for testing purposes, to validate responses from APIs. Like statuses, schemas etc.
Shim over IDbConnection interface to allow access to Async methods, if they exist
Xamarin Forms UI for Donky Push
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MoeLib.Web [2 dependencies]

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Weaving.Aspects [2 dependencies]

Aspects is a AOP tool based on Fody, that allow you to encapsulate your code with attributes..
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FluentExcel [2 dependencies]

Use Fluent API to configure POCO excel behaviors, and then provides IEnumerable<T> save to and load from excel functionalities.
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Mato.DatePicker.PCL [2 dependencies]

This is a Datepicker with Chinese lunar calendar view
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Aspose.ZIP for .NET [2 dependencies]

Aspose.ZIP for .NET is a flexible and easy to use .NET API that lets you compress and extract, encrypt and decrypt files in almost all mainstream archive formats. It supports zip, gzip, bzip2, tar, cpio, lzip, 7z, lzma, xz and Z format. It allows you to create self-extracting archives and extract RA...
This is the JollazApiQueries core model package.
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Bit.IdSrv3 [2 dependencies]

Tools for other Dreamry project.
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NETCOS.Extensions.Response [2 dependencies]

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Unofficial.X.PagedList [2 dependencies]

Library for easily paging through any IEnumerable/IQueryable in .NET and .NET Core
Package Description
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HzySql [2 dependencies]

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BindOpen.Runtime [2 dependencies]

BindOpen is a framework that allows you to build widely-extended applications. This package handles runtime.
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Egloo [2 dependencies]

A simple and lightweight Kotlin framework for OpenGL ES drawing and EGL management in Android based on object-oriented components, inspired by Google's Grafika.
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DirectShowLib.Standard [2 dependencies]

.NET Interfaces for calling DirectShow. This is port/fork of DirectShowLib ( for .NET 4.5 and .NET Standard 2.0.
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