NuGet Packages By Dependencies

Automock implementation for NSubstitute using Ninject to create the objects under test.
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LibNoise [2 dependencies]

LibNoise is used to generate coherent noise, a type of smoothly-changing noise. LibNoise can generate Perlin noise, ridged multifractal noise, and other types of coherent-noise. Coherent noise is often used by graphics programmers to generate natural-looking textures, planetary terrain, and other th...
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NMFTransformations [2 dependencies]

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Nancy.Swagger [2 dependencies]

Generated API documentation for Nancy using Swagger.
Defines interfaces and types that can be used to expand the device capabilities of Windows IoT.
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Slugify.Core [2 dependencies]

Simple Slug / Clean URL generator helper for Microsoft .NET framework and .NET Standard. With default settings, you will get an hyphenized, lowercase, alphanumeric version of any string you please, with any diacritics removed and collapsed whitespace, collapsed dashes and trimmed whitespace.
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Llvm.Libs.core.x64-Debug [2 dependencies]

Libraries and configuration headers for LLVM 6.0.0 (x64-Debug)
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Syncfusion.SfMaps.WPF46 [2 dependencies]

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SerialLabs.Web [2 dependencies]

Web Abstractions and components
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MarqMetrix.Data.Samples [2 dependencies]

This is the samples library.
Serilog.Sinks.ListOfString logs to a list of string so you can test your logging : ``` var log= new List<String>(); var testLogger= new LoggerConfiguration().WriteTo.StringList(log).CreateLogger(); ...tests... log.ShouldContain( x=>x.Matches("kilroy was here") ); ``` This is for Serilog. For Mic...
Client package for
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Scar.Common.MVVM.ViewModel [2 dependencies]

Basic types for MVVM ViewModel
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Assette.APIClient.SDK [2 dependencies]

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LivetCask.Behaviors [2 dependencies]

Livet is the infrastructure of MVVM pattern on WPF. It supports .NET Framework 4.5.2 or later and .NET Core 3.1, and licensed as zlib/libpng. This package is for useful behaviors for MVVM pattern.
A client for commands and queries over HTTP (no events). Requires an HTTP hosting on the server side.
Abp 自定义菜单模块
Package Description
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Redakt.Files [2 dependencies]

Redakt Files module core services and logic.