NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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FluentACS [2 dependencies]

Fluent API for setting up Windows Azure Access Control Service (ACS)
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Exceptionless.WebApi [2 dependencies]

Exceptionless client for ASP.NET Web API applications. Exceptionless is a cloud based error reporting service that sends your exceptions to and provides aggregated views and analytics.
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Timber [2 dependencies]

Timber is a straightforward, no-frills logging framework facade. Timber provides adapters for the most popular 3rd party logging frameworks, NLog and log4net (available as separate packages: Timber.NLog and Timber.log4net)
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paper-progress [2 dependencies]

A material design progress bar
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Orc.Metadata [2 dependencies]

Metadata library.
Redistributable components for package 'EasyHookNativePackage'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
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PropertyChanged2.Fody [2 dependencies]

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Luna.Service.Core [2 dependencies]

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Cache.Extensions [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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DenInject.Core [2 dependencies]

Simple dependency injection container. For source code and examples, visit: Any feedback is highly appreciated: [email protected]
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magic.lambda.logging [2 dependencies]

Logging helper slots for Magic, allowing you to inject your own logging implementation, giving you the ability to create log entries from Hyperlambda. To use package go to
Low-level Serilog provider for `Microsoft.Extensions.Logging`. An alternative to `Serilog.Extensions.Logging`.
Package Description
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SubSonic.Core.DAL [2 dependencies]

Fast Data Access, your database should belong to SubSonic.
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WpfMvvm.Commands [2 dependencies]

Реализации ICommand для общего применения
Abp data dictionary module.
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Allegory.Standart.Entities [2 dependencies]

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CaseManagement.BPMN [2 dependencies]

BPMN V2.0.2 implementation.