NuGet Packages By Dependencies

An unofficial Ninject Adapter for the Common Service Locator
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NString [2 dependencies]

A collection of utilities for working with strings in .NET.
Additional persistence provider for NEventStore using RavenDB.
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JSimple Logging API [2 dependencies]

JSimple logging API, behind which different loggers can be supplied. Based off of SLF4J
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Dai.CommonLib.Web [2 dependencies]

Base classes, interfaces and attributes of Remote Agency.
Provides resource group and resource management capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
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Rayson.Caching [2 dependencies]

Useful Types: Cache, DefaultCache, ICache Generally useful for unit testing when you want to be able to control the inner state of a class. Replace internal state with injected caches and mock the return values. Addtional timed cache method allows for timed expiration (removal from cache) of cach...
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DotNetHelper-Logger [2 dependencies]

An library containing a file logger & windows event logger
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lindexi.MVVM.Framework [2 dependencies]

Microsoft.VisualStudio.BrowserLink.12.0 contracts assembly for Visual Studio.
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Components.RestFul [2 dependencies]

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Roger.Json [2 dependencies]

This package has better json settings of Newtonsoft with Nodatime.
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Package Description
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ShtrihM.Wattle3.Testing [2 dependencies]

Framework for creating high-performance servers with domain object models.
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Asynco [2 dependencies]

Simple .NET remoting framework based on the Request/Reply pattern