NuGet Packages By Dependencies

Provides log4net logging integration for other ServiceStack projects
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ScaffR.Cassette [2 dependencies]

Description required.
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ARM [2 dependencies]

A few core features that are valuable just about anywhere. Inhereted by some of my other packages.
JetBrains dotCommon RemoteAgent Package Version 212.0.20210603.131812-eap02
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LJ.Common [2 dependencies]

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Nerdle.AutoConfig [2 dependencies]

AutoConfig is an automagical, convention-based, customisable, extensible library for mapping configuration files to POCO C# objects/interfaces with the absolute minimum of code.
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RedLock [2 dependencies]

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JwtCore [2 dependencies]

JwtCore is a JWT / JWS Implementation for .NET Core
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ASOS.SimpleEventStore [2 dependencies]

Simple Event Store (SES) provides a lightweight event sourcing abstraction.
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DDDToolkit.Utilities [2 dependencies]

Utility classes as part of DDDToolkit to support Domain Driven Design development
The module provides primitives for LINQ expressions.
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Goober.Logging [2 dependencies]

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meteoToolkit [2 dependencies]

meteoToolkit, meteoToolkit.Core, meteoToolkit.Radar, meteoToolkit.Satellite, etc.
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NpiDataModel [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Marvel.EventBus.RabbitMQ [2 dependencies]

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Onbox.Revit.Abstractions [2 dependencies]

Part of Onbox Framework
Xamarin Binding Library - Huawei Hms Security Base SDK. This SDK is a dependency of various Huawei Hms SDKs and is not intended to be used directly.
Provides Autofac support for a Rocket Surgery Application