NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Kooboo.Common.Web [2 dependencies]

Kooboo common libraries
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SqueezeMe [2 dependencies]

HTTP compression OWIN middleware
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REstate.Domain.Core [2 dependencies]

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Cav.Core [2 dependencies]

A set of utilities that facilitate routine operations
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Tizen.Network.Connection [2 dependencies]

Provides the executor scripts which execute the build, test and deploy steps.
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Yllibed.HttpServer [2 dependencies]

Yllibed Versatile Http Server
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SentryDotNet [2 dependencies]

An unopinionated client for, built as .NET Standard library.
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ADSFramework.Encryption [2 dependencies]

Target: net40; netstd13 | ADSFramework components for Encryption and Decryption
Created on 2022-06-01 23:48
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Pact.Fhir.Iota [2 dependencies]

IOTA implementation to work with the FHIR core
Dynamicweb content dashboard and widgets.
Package Description
NetModular data implement for SqlServer
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DS.Projections_JakePorter [2 dependencies]

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cworks.DbTest [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Package Description
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Mcma.Azure.Logger [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Keep.Common [2 dependencies]

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Vanara.PInvoke.Rpc [2 dependencies]

PInvoke API (methods, structures and constants) imported from Windows Rpc libraries.