NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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NSure [3 dependencies]

Simple fluent assertions for .NET.
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Joe.Caching [3 dependencies]

Light weight caching Library that defaults to an in memory cache but can be easy expanded to use any source to store cached data. Uses delegates to unobtrusively refresh the cache when needed. The cached objects will be stored via a combination of the passed in key and the parameter values passed in...
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Querify [3 dependencies]

Query helpers and extensions.
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MongoDb.Bson.NodaTime [3 dependencies]

BsonSerializers for NodaTime types.
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Nito.Mvvm.Core [3 dependencies]

Basic helper types for MVVM applications.
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cloudscribe.Web.SiteMap [3 dependencies]

ASP.NET Core controller and models for generating an xml sitemap for search indexes
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Robot.Expected [3 dependencies]

Expected. A simple object, containing either an error, or a value.
This package is a .NET implementation of CloudEvents defined by
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SpotifyAPI.Web [3 dependencies]

A Client for Spotify's Web API, written in .NET For more infos, visit
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FontAwesome5 [3 dependencies]

WPF (.Net and .Net Core) and UWP controls for the iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit Font Awesome 5. For examples Font-Awesome Version: 5.15.4
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xpf.ns.ctct.xplatformauth [3 dependencies]

Package Description
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SharpArch.Infrastructure [3 dependencies]

Provides infrastrucure components for Sharp Architecture application.
This is an extension module for Zayni Framework's Middle.Service module. It define the http request entities for Middle.Service.HttpCore and Middle.Service.HttpCore.Client. GitLab Repository:
Provides API for dynamically loading MVC controllers into an ASP.NET Core web application. This package should be used by the host application which needs to load plugins. See for more samples and documentation.
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RaaLabs.TimeSeries.Modules [3 dependencies]

Raalabs is a platform designed to build Line of Maritime applications without sacrificing architectural quality, code quality or scalability.
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Drex.Types.Queries [3 dependencies]

Core functionality for Moogie.Queues providers.
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Roger.Abstractions [3 dependencies]

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Modulight.Modules.Core [3 dependencies]

Core types in Modulight modular framework.