Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on jQuery UI (Combined Library)

Total dependencies: 198

With Interaction Lib you can wire up most common ajax UI interactions with as few as 2 - 3 attributes right in your markup with no additional javascript. Also provides markup for wiring and configuring other jQuery/jQueryUI plugins. Provides support for unobtrusive configurations.
is a plug-in to add a Help button in the title bar of the dialog.
is a wrapper for the dialog to display the external content using an iframe.
ReMi Web UI
A jQuery plugin for adding play, pause, skip, previous, and volume controls for the SoundCloud HTML5 embedded player to a webpage.
use jquery ui dialog open iframe dialog.
ComboxJS is a widget for gluing together several controls.
My package description.
Common applications include the Facebook-style list builder for message recipients (F6) which provides a textarea with an auto-complete function and the ability to re-order and delete recipients. The Apple Mail style builder (F7) adds an action menu next for each item that can be used to offering mu...
A jQuery grid plugin based on jQueryui widget design.
Xomega JavaScript controls based on JQuery UI.
This class library lets developers define editable jquery datatables in C# MVC Controller that will generate html and javascript necessary and use them in a view
Provides core service features.
html5 based responsive tool for viewing instrumentation done using azure appinsights. This tool uses azure appinsights REST API to consume all types of instrumentation data including exception, trace, dependency, page view, custom events etc.
gridstack.js is a jQuery plugin for widget layout. This is drag-and-drop multi-column grid. It allows you to build draggable responsive bootstrap v3 friendly layouts. It also works great with knockout.js and touch devices. Inspired by gridster.js. Built with love.
General web library for projects of DemaWare
Used to extend properties of jQuery.datepicker